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Voluntariado Europeo en Italia - Residencia para Mayores

imagen: Lonely Planet

Asociación Inco busca un voluntario para apoyar en una residencia de mayores en Bolzano, Italia.

duración: 15-10-2019 hasta 15-10-2020

fecha límite: 30-09-2019


InCo has started to look for a future volunteer (male) from for our partner organisation ASSB, based in Bolzano. ASSB manages several nursing homes. The service starts on October 15th 2019 for 1 year.

The volunteer will collaborate with the staff of nursing homes mainly with recreational and entertainment activities planned for the elderly. In particular the volunteer will be involved in the following activities:

• organizing recreational activities for the elderly/handicapped people,

• talking to them,

• reading something,

• participating in some excursions of one or more days,

• making different kind of purchases (e.g. food, medicine for the guests),

• support of the educators in the activities of assistance,

• care and rehabilitation,

• accompanying the elderly with walking difficulties,

• participating in the evaluation meetings

• and planning certain matters with the educators and social workers etc.

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