Voluntariado Europeo en “Depaul”, un servicio que ofrece actividades para personas sin hogar en Dublin, Irlanda
duración: septiembre 2019 hasta agosto 2020
contacto: sve@mojodecana.org
fecha límite: 15-02-2019
Depaul provides accommodation services for people who are experiencing homelessness. Many of these people have other needs, such as physical or mental health problems, or addictions to drugs or alcohol. We believe that everyone deserves a safe place to live. Volunteers help to bring fun and social interaction into our services. They spend with the Service Users, learning about their skills and interests and helping them to grow and develop. Volunteers bring their own skills and interests to the role too. Some activities that volunteers have been involved in before include: Arts and crafts workshops, Music performances or lessons, Games and quizzes, Lifeskills classes such as basic literacy, computers, cookery, Outings to the cinema, local museums, or cultural places, Fitness classes and sports competitions. ESC volunteers also get involved in the wider organisation, helping with fundraising and training events, and with selection and induction of new volunteers.