El “ASHA Centre” de Forest of Dean en Reino Unido es un centro para actividades interculturales, que ofrece una variedad de programas educativos y medioambientales durante todo el año. Buscamos voluntari@s para asistir en todas las actividades diarias y en eventos interculturales.
duración: 12.08.2019 - 23.09.2019
fecha límite: 17.05.2019
contacto: sve@mojodecana.org
Volunteer Profile:
age 18-30, proactive, reliable and responsible, interested in sustainable/healthy lifestyle and intercultural/interfaith community living, personal and social development, flexible, entrepreneurial, sociable, open to learn and participate in all hands-on activities.
Main Tasks:
- Kitchen assistance: Cooking, serving and food shopping
- Housekeeping and estate maintenance
- Hospitality of guests and groups
- Biodynamic gardening
- Office assistance (helping with logistics and Erasmus+ projects)
- Cultural and artistic events/outings/projects organisation
- Local community engagement (in rural English countryside)
Financial details:
Project funding covers accommodation, food, utilities, local transport and health insurance. Please make sure you have an updated EU Health Card.
Travel Costs:
Canary Island has a maximum total of 360€ for arrival and departure each volunteer. If travel costs are higher, the volunteer shall cover the difference.