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Voluntariado en Italia - Inclusión y Participación Social

"Associazione Coda di Lupo" promueve la inclusión social en Cerdeña, Italia a través de métodos innovadores, apoyo personal y formación. En este voluntariado ayudarás en la organización de actividades de educación no-formal que promueven la inclusión y la participación social.

duración: 01.05.2022 - 31.10.2022

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fecha límite: 28.02.2022


"Associazione Coda di Lupo" centers around promoting and favoring activities of social inclusion, using innovative methods of education, support and training.

In line with the European Youth Strategy, the general aim of the project is to support youth participation, empowerment, social and civic engagement of young people by promoting and facilitating connections, relations and exchange of experience between young volunteers from different European Countries.

The project will involve 4 young volunteers in non-formal education activities (animal assisted programs, outdoor education, leisure and sport) for social inclusion. In particular, the project aims to:

- strengthen social inclusion of disadvantaged people through educational, relational and therapeutic support

- promote volunteering and solidarity in support of mental health and psychophysical wellbeing

- increase civic engagement, empowerment, participation and active citizenship of young people with fewer opportunities.

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