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Voluntariado en Eslovenia - Juventud y Cine

La asociación "DZMP" organiza un voluntariado de un año en Krško, Eslovenia. Voluntarixs apoyarán en la producción de videos relacionados con la juventud local y la vida cultural en la ciudad. También ayudarán en varias festivales de cine en la región.

duración: 01.05.2022 - 30.04.2023

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fecha límite: 28.02.2022


Are you interested in Media Education and Film-making? Are you prepared to share your skills with other young people?

DZMP (Society of Allies for Soft Landing) was founded by a group of young people, who were tired of the apathy of cultural events for youth and of general insensitivity for distress of other people. They are active in the areas of youth culture, non-formal education, contemporary art, ecology, social and humanitarian activities. In the last 20 years they have especially focused on the projects of the field of media education, film, video and multimedia. They are performing various activities on the local, national, and international level with the aim to stimulate active participation of young people through different forms of media.

In Krško we set up our own multimedia studio. Every day we open our door to young movie makers, local, from other Slovenian cities and to those who are coming from abroad.

It is expected that volunteers produce at least two videos per month, connected with local youth and actual socio-cultural processes. Monthly productions results in Youth TV Magazine which is presented online. Some of them also on different film festivals. If you are interested in media education, you could improve your practical skills while co-mentoring in series of workshops and trainings for local youngsters. DZMP office is equipped with computers, as well as all needed for fieldwork and shooting process. Here you can improve your skills of directing, camerawork, lighting and post-production. Volunteers are provided with the accommodation, money for food & local transportation, pocket money. Travel costs are partly refunded according to the rules of European Solidarity Corps.

We are looking for self initiative, motivated, communicative, creative, curious, social engaged and responsible young people interested in media education and film making. It is desirable to have some basic knowledge of filmmaking which they are prepared to share with others.

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