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Voluntariado en Croacia - Reserva de Osos

Foto del escritor: Mojo de CañaMojo de Caña

Image: Bear Conservation

El Velebit Association Kuterevo se dedica a conservación de la naturaleza y un refugio de osos en las montañas Velebit en Croacia. Buscan amantes del medioambiente para apoyar con los animales y para guiar a visitantes.

duración: 01-12-2019 hasta 28-05-2020

fecha límite: 10-10-2019


Velebit Association Kuterevo (VUK) is an organization in Velebit mountain, Croatia. International volunteers have been coming in Kuterevo village since 1978, and the organization is running a Bear Refuge since 2002. The main issues VUK is dealing with are animal welfare, nature conservation and preserving cultural heritage.

Some of the tasks during their servise will include:

- maintaining facilities in Bear Refuge

- support Volunteers' Station and its work

- taking care of animals (bears, chicken, geese, ponies and all other animals)

- guiding visitors and introducing topic of environment and nature conservation to them

- support creation of publication for celebration of 40 years of Kuterevo Spirit

- working with local community.

Perfil del voluntario/-a:

We can imagine that interested volunteers are:

- mountain and nature lovers

- hard working and flexible to the needs of Velebit Association Kuterevo

- able to communicate openly, ready to step outside of the comfort zone; open for learning new things

- wants to explore simple lifestyle in community, in a small mountain village

- some skills in writting, photography and video could contribute to documenting the activities

- positive attitude and like to be part of the team

- likes to learn and experience different things

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