Voluntariado Europeo en el ámbito de multimedia en Krško, Slovenia
Duración: 01/11/2018 hasta 30/11/2019
fecha límite: 25/10/2018
contacto: sve@mojodecana.org
Project description
The Youth in Media project is good for beginners and professionals in the field of media production. You will have an opportunity to produce several videos per month of different genres, connected with local youth and actual socio-cultural processes. Monthly productions results in Youth TV Magazine which is presented online. Some of them also on different film festivals. If you are interested in media education, you could improve your practical skills while co-mentoring in series of workshops and trainings for local youngsters. DZMP office is well-equipped with computers, as well as all needed for fieldwork and shooting process. Here you can learn the basics of directing, camerawork, lighting and post-production. You will get the chance to take part in the organization of DZMP's Luksuz film Festival. Volunteers are provided with the accommodation, money for food & local transportation, pocket money. Travel costs are partly refunded according to the rules of EU Erasmus+.
Volunteer profile
We are looking for self initiative, motivated, communicative, creative and responsible young people (18-30 years old) who are interested in media education and who would like to improve or develop their filmmaking skills. They should to be interested in working with young people, media, film and videos. It is desirable to have some basic knowledge of filmmaking or photography but this is not required. Basic knowledge of English is desirable.