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SVE en Croacia - Centro de Voluntariado

SVE en Zabok, Croacia, en Mreža udruga Zagor – Network of associations Zagor desde marzo 2019 hasta marzo 2020


Mreža udruga Zagor – Network of associations Zagor was founded February 26th 2007 as a result of the initiative of youth associations in Krapina-Zagorje County. Zagor works in 3 program areas: Program civil society development and inter-sector cooperation, Volunteer Program “VolontirAJMO” and Program “Youth Center“. Zagor lead a youth center, volunteer center and information center for young people and all interested citizens. We organize many activities, events, workshops, public actions and debates to strengthen the capacity of young people and to promote active citizenship. Also, Zagor have an active role in decision-making processes on regional level.

Mission - activating, developing and using individual skills of young people in order to find new and effective solutions to social challenges. Developing cross-sectoral cooperation in order to strengthen the capacity of Association in the development of programs and projects and to create a better environment for civil society organizations. Strengthening civil society organizations in order to strengthen local communities.

Activities: create, design and prepare materials for the voluntary actions, participation on the voluntary action and manifestation “Hrvatska volontira” (Croatia Volunteering), help with preparation of the support activities for local volunteers, implementation of workshops in a creative and interesting way, sharing their own volunteer experience and knowledge through participation in various activities, promote Volunteering Projects among young people in local community and so on, participation in interesting activities such as movie nights, game nights, intercultural nights, concerts and so on.

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