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Oferta de voluntariado en Bruselas - "For a Fair, Healthy and Ecological Europe"

IFOAM es una organización global que lucha para la adopción de sistemas sociales, ecológicos y económicos, basados en los principios de la agricultura orgánica. Los voluntarios tendrán la posibilidad de aprender sobre la movilidad orgánica ,trabajando junto con los equipos de la asociación ,además, tendrán la oportunidad de desarrollar nuevas habilidades y mejorar su crecimiento personal, profesional y educativo.

duración: desde 01-09-2020 hasta 31-07-2021

fecha límite: 15-04-2020


The ESC experience at IFOAM EU offers a wide array of opportunities such as learning more about EU institutions, advocacy work,m activities and missions of other like-minded NGOs, organic farming practices and the impact of environmental and climate policies, but also about Belgian/Brussels culture. The learning experience will be enriched by various trainings, but also by a common project, by regular exchanges with other young people from Brussels NGOs and by public events. The volunteers will be selected to join one of the following units: Policy, Research & Innovation, Communications, Projects & Fundraising, Events & Membership. They will gain practical experience staying in organic farms in Belgium for one or two weeks. The trainings will be given on content and practical skills by IFOAM EU staff on various topics such as GMOs, the organic regulation, project development and management, advocacy, EU institutions, communication, career development, writing, climate change, organic seeds etc. Practical farming training will be provided through visits at organic farms in Belgium.

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