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Voluntariado Europeo en Nagyvázsony, Hungría - Centro de juventud

Se buscan voluntarios/as para trabajar en aumentar la calidad de ocio y tiempo libre de los jovenes en pueblo Nagyvázsony (centro de juventud).

Fecha límite: 15/08/2019

Duración: de 01/10/2019 a 31/05/2020


The goal of our association is to assure that the youngsters in our village Nagyvázsony spend their free time with useful activities. We want to help the young people who are struggling and support the initiations of the community in the village and the task of the volunteers is to support the daily life in the youth centre. This may include to organise and take part in different regular workshops for several communities in Nagyvázsony and the surroundings (local school, kindergarten, youth clubs, youth centres) such as ukulele, painting, drawing, outdoor activities and language clubs (English, German and French). In addition you can help us to organise and realise the Volunteer's Day, a conference on youth entrepreneurship (big event with presentations and workshops), "Cleaning the stream" acitivity and Nation Days (one day of the week as an ‘international day’)


Your accommodation in the village Nagyvázsony will be a shared flat with up to five volunteers and gender based bed rooms. You will receive pocket and food money monthly and are responsible for your own food arrangements. The youth centre, supermarkets, the post, the bank and the bus stop are all in walking distance. Plus, you will get a 50% discount for the bus tickets so you can travel cheaper to the next cities.


During your stay you will get the chance to learn Hungarian, one of the most unique language in Europe.


We are open to applications from everyone, however we are especially seachring for volunteers from Italy and Spain. You should just be between 18 and 30 years old, interested in this field of work and willing to learn.

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