Buscamos voluntari@s interesad@s en organizar y apoyar las actividades de la Asociación Internacional de Jóvenes en Rzeszów, Polonia.
duración: 01/07/2019 to 31/08/2019
fecha límite: -
contacto: sve@mojodecana.org
We are looking for 2 volunteers from EU to work with us for 2 months between July and August 2019. The volunteer can get involved in following activities (according to your interests):
- organizing workshops for local youth
- hosting open events such as country presentations or language cafe's,
- visiting schools and promoting Erasmus Plus program, or delivering workshops about culture, human rights, youth opportunities, volunteering
- hosting a radio show about youth, culture and education
- helping us with administrative works in the office
- working with media, photography, film (we own semi-professional equipment: camera, tripod, monopod, lenses etc)
- writing articles, taking pictures of our events,
- leading our social media, creating promo videos, movie recaps from our projects etc
- initiating own projects/events/activities.
The volunteer will receive:
- 120 euro of pocket money per month
- 150 euro for food per month
- monthly pass for public transportation
- a bicycle :)
- reimbursement of travel up to Erasmus Plus limits The volunteers are accommodated in student dormitory in Rzeszow, sharing a room with a person of the same gender, having access to common kitchen and bathroom.
We provide trainings during orientation week on organizational culture, job-related works etc. Besides that, volunteers are welcome to join our trainings and workshops we organize through Erasmus Plus projects in Rzeszow. Before applying, please get to know our organization and the city of Rzeszow. Visit our website, get to know our activities - it's important for us to know you are aware of our profile. Check out our promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDo8MLb2PX
We are looking for motivated candidates passionate about working either with people or with media and technologies. Age or background is not relevant. The call is open to those with initiative to come up with own ideas, motivation to contribute to organizational development of INPRO. !!! Before applying, please get to know out organization and our city better.