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Voluntariado en Eslovenia – Integración Social

La asociación “Familija” es una asociación de Škofja Loka, Slovenia, dedicada a la educación, terapia, desarrollo del potencial personal, actividades de tiempo libre, así como orientación escolar y laboral. Organizan un voluntariado de un año en sus dos proyectos principales.

duración: 20.08.2022 – 19.08.2023 más info: fecha límite: 30.03.2022


Familija is a private institution engaged in education, therapy, development of personal potential, free time activities as well as school and work counseling. It incorporates two major programs: MDC BLOK and PUM-O.

MDC BLOK is a daily youth center which offers diverse programs for youngsters between the ages of 10 and 18 years old. It is aimed at providing more equal opportunities for underprivileged children through facilitating activities. BLOK plays a significant role in their lives as it functions as a ‘second home’ for them.

PUM-O ("Project learning for younger adults") is the second program under the umbrella of Familija intended for young people from the ages of 15 to 25 years old, who are struggling to find their place in the society. PUM-O brings together individuals with specific life dilemmas/experiences that need to restart their lives and become included in the local community.

Volunteers will be included in the work of 1-2 organizations as equal members of their teams and as such they will have an opportunity to show and improve their own abilities, develop sense of initiative, gain new skills and get new knowledge through organizing and realizing different activities (workshops,courses,individual support,sports,games,plays,presentations,lectures).

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