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Voluntariado en Bruselas, Bélgica - The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)


Se buscan los/las voluntarios/as que van a cuidar a las personas discapacitadas y fomentar el derecho de su igualidad.

Fecha límite: 08/08/2019

Duración: 01/03/2020 to 31/12/2020


The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is looking for a 6 - 9 months European Solidarity Corps volunteer. ENIL is an NGO run by and for disabled people. Our main goals are to promote the right of all disabled people to live independently and to be included in the community. As a European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteer, you will work in the ENIL Brussels office and gain experience in advocating for changes in European laws and policies, as part of a small international team. A regular working week is 35 hours from Monday to Friday from 09:00h – 17:00h. These hours are flexible and can be adjusted depending on the access needs of the volunteer. Depending on your skills and interests, your day to day tasks may include:

· Supporting ENIL with organising campaigns (Independent Living Day,5 May)

· Contributing to ENIL's advocacy work

· Desk based research and writing

· Planning and organising events

· Attending and reporting on meetings (EP events)


Travel, accommodation and some pocket money are covered by the program, as well as extra costs for special needs/personal assistance for disabled people. The selected volunteer will not have to use their own money to participate. The pocket money should not be used for food and travel costs. These will be covered separately. Once the volunteer is selected, ENIL will contact them to find out their access needs (if any). For more information please check the call on the ENIL website:


While volunteering for ENIL, you will receive training on disability rights and Independent Living.


We expect you to have a positive can-do attitude and basic computer skills. As the working language at ENIL is English, a good knowledge of the English language is essential. You have to be older than 18 and younger than 31 on the first day of your placement and cannot be in paid employment to be accepted in the ESC program. If you want to make a difference and contribute to creating an inclusive society, you could be the person ENIL is looking for!

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