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SVE en Rumania - Talleres de Arte con Minte Forte

Foto del escritor: Mojo de CañaMojo de Caña

Voluntariado Europeo con Minte Forte en Cluj-Napoca, Rumania

duración: 01-10-2018 hasta 30-06-2019


Minte Forte is looking for a volunteer, with artistic skills, who wants to become facilitator of personal development through different arts, for children, young people and adults.

The goal of the project is to combine arts and psychology in order to foster self-expression and personal development, for members of the local community in Cluj-Napoca and the EVS volunteers. The main task of the EVS volunteers will be to create and facilitate personal development workshops based on different arts (music, dance, painting, theater etc) and non-formal education methods, for the local community.

The workshops will be organized in a school, a high school, a hospital, a social home center and other public places, for children, adolescents and adults.

Profile of the volunteer: aged 17-30, fluent in English, artistic skills, empathetic, open-minded, cooperative, motivated to learn new things and gain new competencies. Knowledge or interest in psychology or other social fields are preferred, but strong motivation to learn more about this field can be enough.

Here are some brief details about the project:

Topic: Arts, Health and wellbeing, Venue: Cluj-Napoca, Romania Duration: 10 months Starting date: 1st of October 2018 Ending date: 30th of June 2019

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