Vlahi Nature School busca 2 voluntari@s para su proyecto en Vlahi, Bulgaria, un pueblo pequeño en la montaña dónde aprenderás permacultura y organinizarás talleres, campos, ... con jóvenes.
duración: 15-02-2019 hasta 15-08-2019
información contacto: sve@mojodecana.org
Vlahi Nature School is a small educational project based on the principles of perma culture. We are located in a remote village at the foot of Pirin mountain where only several people live permanently but nature is spectacular, the landscape is dramatic and the people are resilient. We started the project in 2002 when we bought the old building of the school and with the help of hundreds of volunteers we restored it to become again a functioning place for learning through doing, experimenting, collecting information from the local people and implementing ideas from around the world.
To renovate the building and for constructing new elements in the garden we use combination of traditional and modern techniques, we rely on natural materials and sustainable use of resources. Through volunteer weekends, summer camps for children, workcamps and by our presence in the region we share our knowledge, skills and know-how with anyone who cares for a life in balance with nature.
We are looking for 2 volunteers to join and help at the Nature School: from taking care of the garden through dealing with (small) repairs in the house through researching and implementing new ideas to working with children and young people, there are quite diverse options for learning, growing up and experiencing life following the rhythm of nature.