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SVE en Alemania - Munich Film Society

foto: India Education

¡La Müncher Filmwerkstatt e.V. está buscando apasionados del cine para un Servicio Voluntario Europeo en Múnich!



The Munich Film Society (Münchner Filmwerkstatt e.V.) is the center of the independent film scene in the Bavarian capital and a meeting place for international film culture, media education and independent filmmaking. Under one roof you'll find a multitude of services and offers: an international film festival, a cinema program with thematical series, a regular networking event Jour Fixe, theater groups, activity days for artists and a training program. The biggest part of our work consists of the training program which comprises workshops and further education courses for film enthusiasts, filmmakers and everyone who wants to become one. We especially aim to educate young creatives, who are still searching for their place in the creative world. The seminars and workshops are given by working professionals – often award-winning filmmakers from Germany and abroad who share their knowledge and experience.


You will partake in all the activities, workshops and training courses to support our work and get a first-hand impression of the topics we teach.

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