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SVE en Italia - centro de atención para víctimas de violencia de género

foto: Demostene

Buscamos a una voluntaria española para este proyecto fenomenal en Latiano, Italia de julio 2018 hasta enero 2019!



The social cooperative Siderea manages “Flora”, a centre for mothers-to-be and mothers with children placed in Latiano. This centre consists in residences where guests live. These groups of residences should be considered as communities where guests stay for a restricted period of time, enjoying a climax of interaction which leads to common goals: the complete fulfillment of each guest life and independence.

We host Italian and foreign mothers with children who are victims of abuse or social and environmental maltreatment, mothers-to-be who have other children, mothers with children who have just overcome abuses and need a period of time to assess their lives before starting to live by their own and mothers with children who need protection for their minors and in need of psychological and pedagogic support with a particular regard to parent's roles and mother-son relationships. The services the centre offers aspire at the improvement of the hosts’ lives at a general level. It encourages their autonomy, improves their wellness and the psycho-physical conditions, social integration and job placements and if possible promotes family-reunification. The psycho-phisical wellness is guaranteed by the centre. It includes the care and the organization of the relationship context.


The volunteer will serve in a community for mothers with children victims of violence. Volunteers will support educators in their educational work: after-school activities and recreational activities such as board games, outdoor games, listening to fairy tales, handy work, gardening, painting, and various creative workshops. They will support the educator and/or the mothers in the implementation of outdoor activities: sports, games, afternoon outings such as playgrounds, shopping centers, walks to the sea, and swimming pool. The service will include also: mother-child assistance and assistance to mothers in domestic and cooking activities.

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